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And the Awards Goes To… (Planning an Office Awards Party)

With the red carpets soon to roll out that can only mean one thing, award season will soon be upon us once again. Although there may not be a red carpet leading up to the office, the excitement of award season is infatuating. However, awards are not just for those in Hollywood, celebrate hard-working employees with your own corporate awards. Just because you or your employees didn’t get nominated for an Oscar this year doesn’t mean people at the office should go home empty-handed. Peter and Paul’s Gifts has everything you need for a memorable night that will make the Oscar’s after party look like a Chuck E. Cheese pizza party.

Food & Drinks

The main complaint about the Oscar’s is that there’s no eating or drinking. People are happy when they have good food in their stomachs and a drink in their hand. The key to success is having a night with enough food and drinks to go around. Treat your employee’s taste buds with the Treat Tower which is full of chocolate delights. Or be a real Entertainer with the perfect combination wine and cheese for those with a more sophisticated pallet. Bring together sweet and salty to satisfy everyone.


Novelty awards are a very popular and fun way to reward people around the office. Small awards can be given to the person who’s always first to the office, the star employee who hit all the quarterly targets, or the employee who’s always on time. Reward these employees with tokens of appreciation with an amazing gift basket like Bon Appetite for the office foodie or Executive Corner for the office bigshot.

Champagne Toasts

Drinking champagne in a fancy dress isn’t just for movie stars. Our Celebration basket has everything you need to honour a hardworking employee or for the office to share for the start of a great party. Toast to the success of your employees with champagne and chocolate.

Everyone’s a Winner

Don’t forget about those who are not nominated, after all, everyone likes going home with something. You might want to consider giving out party favours at the end of the night so everyone can feel like a winner to boost office morale. While enjoying Pristine Pleasures, Luscious Life, or Bliss your employee will remember the great night they had for days to come.

The glitz and glamour of award season can be easily found at your next office party. By using Peter and Paul’s Gifts for your next office awards season you’ll have your employee’s saying Oscar who?